Monday, 28 July 2014

PicsArt Full Unlocked Free !!! ver. 5.21.2

PicsArt Full Unlocked Free !!!
Picsart ini gunanya buat edit edit foto. Tapi kurang lengkap kalo ga full uncloked kan jadi gabisa explore imajinasi kamu.
Sekarang aku mau bagi bagi link picsart full unlocked free
Sudah terbukti work lohhh. Karna aku juga pake hihi

With 200 million installs across all platforms, PicsArt is the go-to photo editing and drawing app with a rapidly growing community of creatives.
Constantly discover new ways to unleash your inner artist while you create, share, and connect with this all-in-one app and social network.
According to the leading tech magazines, “PicsArt transforms your smartphone pictures into works of art.” (Mashables) and “… a functionality close to what you get on expensive professional tools like Photoshop. But PicsArtis free and requires no instructions or training.” (Fast Company)


  • A global community of creatives
  • Hundreds of photo editing tools
  • Customizable filters and effects
  • Text, sticker, and image overlays
  • Collage maker
  • Photo camera
  • Drawing and painting tools with layers
  • Advanced artistic brushes
What’s New
We’ve introduced a search feature in the PicsArt Shop to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. We’ve also fixed some bugs and made some small improvements to make the app run faster and smoother for you.


  1. Download Apk
  2. Install Apk
  3. Enjoy
Premium Features
  1. AD-Free
  2. In-App Purchases Free
  3. Free Shopping
Kamu wajib sign in with fb/g+ to get paid items
kamu juga harus install the paid items masing-masing


  1. min caranya biar picsart full unlocked free gmn ya?

  2. Replies
    1. Klik install seperti diatas. Jgn buka stikernya dulu tapi klik install dulu.

  3. waktu install download dulu ya min

  4. Min aku udah coba, awalnya sih bisa kedownload trs pas picsartnya dikeluarin. Kita hrs download ulang min. Knapa bisa gt?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ka, linknya sudah berhasil, saya sudah download. Saat saya install clipartnya berhasil. Tapi saat saya keluar lalu kembali lagi, clipartnya harus diinstall kembali. Mohon jawabannya. Terimakasih sebelumnya :)

  7. Mba, saya beli picsart fullpacknya. Tpi dishop hrs install kya artikel diatas. Saya tanya keyg jualnya katanya langsung pakai aja semua udah kebuka. Setiap mau menggunakan app tsb msh ada yg kelock

  8. kalau aku sih udah instal, sesudah keluar dari picsart sebagian hilang sebagian lagi tetep ke instal ..

  9. Kenapa stiker n font mesti menginstal lagi ya padahal dah ke instal ? Mohon pencerahannya makasih

  10. Aku pake picsart fullpack, tp kenapa ya setiap mau install paid satu2 lama bgt kadang tertulis download eror trs. Sinyal nya yg buruk apa dari app nya ya? Mohon dibantu mksh
